S&D Magazine - Darnis: Quelle Europe pour demain? Rencontre avec Jean-Pierre Darnis
08/06/2020videoWatch -
Dziennik Gazeta Prawna - Poli: Początek końca politycznej kariery Salviniego
04/06/2020pressRead (Polish) -
RoyalCentral - Tocci: The King and Queen of Spain join experts looking at global impact of COVID-19
27/05/2020pressRead -
The Washington Post -Tocci: E.U. proposes $825 billion coronavirus rescue plan giving Brussels power to raise money for first time
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The New York Times - Tocci: One Crisis Too Many: How the Coronavirus Pushed Germany to Shift Course
19/05/2020pressRead -
Deutsche Welle - Giuli: Nord Stream 2 lost support in Germany: will the pipeline go ahead? (Video)
15/05/2020videoWatch -
Deutsche Welle - Giuli: Nord Stream 2 lost support in Germany: will the pipeline go ahead?
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Eurasia Review - Marrone: European Defense should not be the casuality of the great lockdown
04/05/2020pressRead -
The Financial Times - Tocci: Allegations of doctored films fuel concerns about Beijing propaganda