ExchangeRatesUk - Tocci: Pound Sterling Climbs Against The Euro as EU Divisions Flare Up, Steadies vs Dollar
02/04/2020pressRead -
La Croix - Darnis: Coronavirus, l’Italie entrevoit le bout du tunnel mais reste prudente
01/04/2020pressRead (Fr) -
The Guardian - Tocci: Coronavirus could be final straw for EU, European experts warn
01/04/2020pressRead -
France24 - Tocci: Coronavirus in Italy: has the governement been acting in a reasonable way?
31/03/2020videoWatch -
L'Opinion - Darnis: Face au coronavirus, l’Italie doute du soutien de la France
31/03/2020pressRead (Fr) -
The Wall Street Journal - Tocci: Viruspolitik at play as Moscow sends soldiers to help Italy
31/03/2020pressRead -
The Guardian - Tocci: US awol from world stage as China tries on global leadership for size
29/03/2020pressRead -
La Nation - Tocci: Con su aislacionismo, EE.UU. podría perder el liderazgo global
28/03/2020pressRead (Esp) -
The Washington Post - Tocci: In coronavirus clash with China, Trump chooses name-calling over leadership