European Leadership Network - Tocci: ELN Contact Group Statement on Stereotyping and Dialogue
14/10/2019pressRead -
Politico - Tocci:" As the US retreats from Middle East, Europe can no longer hide in its shadow"
10/10/2019pressRead -
Bloombergquint - Tocci: "Trump mines weak spots in foreign leaders for battles at home"
08/10/2019pressRead -
ISP Analysen - Mikhelidze: EU's Deafening Silence to the State Capture and Growing Signs of Authoritarianism in Georgia
01/10/2019pressRead -
Xinhua - Silvestri: ''Uncertainty over U.S.-China trade tensions affects Italian economy''
28/08/2019pressread -
The New York Times - Nathalie Tocci: Iran links british seizure of oil tanker to ailing nuclear deal
28/07/2019pressRead -
XinhuaNet - Ettore Greco: reopening of U.S.-China trade talks is an important step