With little progress in negotiations for a coalition government in Turkey, the prospects of new snap-...
Recent papers in the Global Turkey in Europe project analyse Turkey’s 2015 elections. One delves into their...
Rebuilding an effective multilateral order in the Mediterranean and ensuring Italy take a front row seat in...
Prepared and elaborated by IAI’s Security and Defence programme, a new document analyses defence budgets in the...
Seminar within the framework of the project: “Promoting stability and development in Africa: How to foster cooperation between public and private sector”
On 2 July 2015, the German Marshall Fund of the United States (GMF), in cooperation with the Istituto Affari Internazionali (IAI), hosted the final dissemination conference of the Transworld...
Presentation of a report by the International Crisis Group
IAI Board of Directors meets Paolo Gentiloni, Minister for Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation
Armed Force and technological innovation. A conference within the framework of the Forza NEC research project.
On July 4th 2015, the IAI Research Paper “...
The publication of Italy’s White Paper on International Security and Defence, signed by the Defence Minister, presents an important ...