Seminar on "Migration and Mobility in Post-Crisis Europe", in the framework of the project Towards a More United and Effective Europe
"Il Parlamento europeo per la nuova Unione": debate on the basis of Quaderno IAI No. 9, edited by G.Bonvicini
Seminar on "European Security after Libya and Ukraine: in search of a core leadership", in coooperation with Notre Europe, in the framework of the project Towards a More United...
Round table on "Quale Unione europea per il futuro? Status quo, più integrazione sovranazionale o cooperazione confederale?", in cooperation with CSF
Conference on "Montenegro's Road to NATO and the EU and Its Role in the Balkans" with Igor Luksic, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs
Round table on "L'Italia guarda a Strasburgo: Il Parlamento europeo e il dibattito politico italiano", in cooperation with Centro Studi sul Federalismo
Conference on "Turkey and Europe: a multifaceted relationship migration, citizenship and civil society", within the framework of the project Global Turkey in Europe, in...
Workshop on: "Elites Survey Results", within the framework of Transworld project
Conference on "Handling sovereign debt crisis", in cooperation with Cigi
Lisboan seminar on "The European Neighbourhood Policy and the Lisbon Treaty: What has changed?"
Federico Casolari, The Janus-Faced New European Neighbourhood...