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A crisis that does not allow for scapegoats, simplistic solutions or miraculous prescriptions. A crisis with political roots that can only be exited by assimilating the cultural changes that, in...


Transworld plenary conference on: "The Transatlantic Relationship: Still Leaders in a Changing World?"


Second series of Sharaka lectures, with N.Tocci, deputy director, IAI


Courageous leadership that can guide the parties during the peace process and a long-term vision to ovecome the obstacles and dispel the pervasive skepticism, are the two prerequisites the emerged...


During the conference, “Quo Vadis Turkey in Europe”, organized by IAI and the Embassy of Turkey, at the University of Rome, ‘La Sapienza’, on April 8, Turkey was presented as being very proud of...


Following the resumption of nuclear talks between Iran and the P5+1 (the UN Security Council permanent members plus Germany), IAI and the European Council on Foreign Relations (ECFR) organized a...


Two years since the outbreak of the uprising, the conflict in Syria remains one of the most challenging issues facing the international community which to date remains unable, or unwilling, to...


Conference: "Global Turkey in Europe", in cooperation with German Marshall Fund of the United States, Istanbul Policy Center and Mercator Foundation


Model United Nations 2013, organized by Consules in cooperation with IAI and Chatham House


Seminar on: 20 years of Oslo. The impact of the peace process on the Arab minority in Israel", with Hassan Jabareen, General Director of Adalah Legal Center for Arab Minority...
