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“The Middle East and the EU: New Realities, New Policies" at Egmont Palace, an event presenting the results of two H2020 research projects, Menara...


Conference with Nathalie Loiseau, French Minister in charge of European Affairs

"International talks" organized by the Istituto Affari Internazionali (IAI) and La Stampa to discuss the...


Final public conference of the Menara and Medreset projects.

On 6 March, MENARA and MEDRESET, both H2020 collaborative research projects, unveiled their findings during a public conference...


Environmental transnational crimes and, more generally, environmental injustice, represent a growing social, economic and political threat for the world. These range from illegal disposal of...


The IAI organizes two training courses on Euro-Mediterranean Analytics (in Italian, 1-29 March 2019) and on Emergency Analytics and Management (in Italian, 5...


In a context of international security troubled by US decisions to withdraw from the nuclear treaty with Iran and the INF treaty with Russia,...


Nathalie Tocci, back from the Munich Security Conference, where she chaired the first panels, talks about the main messages and lessons of the conference...


The recent evolution of the European Union’s politics and policies has demonstrated that differentiation can no longer be treated as an anomaly in the integration process. This has posed a key set...


IAI, in collaboration with Microsoft, organized, on Wednesday 13 February, a conference in Rome entitled 'Digital democracy: the protection of the citizen...


The stituto Affari Internazionali (IAI) and the Centre for Economic and Foreign Policy Studies (EDAM) organise the workshop "Game (Not) Over: Mapping Dynamics and Testing Scenarios in EU-...
