News > Eurozone crisis

Today’s world is in great need of effective, legitimate and innovative forms of global governance in order to channel an increasingly multipolar international system towards constructive forms of...


Webinar on the future of Europe in the light of the uncertain results of the US election as well.


Welcome address


Presentation of the book "Laid Low: Inside the Crisis that Overwhelmed Europe and the IMF" by Paul Blustein


IAI President Ferdinando Nelli Feroci chaired the conference on the report of the five EU Presidents regarding the completion of the European monetary and economic policy. The seminar was attended...


What government for the EU?

Launch of the book What Form of Government for the European Union and the Eurozone?, edited by Federico Fabbrini, Ernst Hirsch Ballin, Han Somsen (Hart...


IAI-CSF Seminar on "What resources for the EU budget and the Eurozone" within the cycle of conferences "The future of the European economy"

Introductory report by Mario Monti, former Prime...


Greece needs a “peaceful revolution” to overcome the current crisis, said Loukas Tsoukalis, professor of European integration at the University of Athens and president of Hellenic Foundation for...


The creation of a European banking union is a necessary step to emerge from the financial crisis and strengthen Europe’s weakened banking system. Though marked by doubts and uncertainties, EU...


"The role of IMF and the Eurozone crisis", conference of the series The future of the European economy"


OECD: the euro crisis, Padoan is optimistic

The euro crisis: at what point is it? To answer this question, a conference was held in Rome on “The euro crisis and the...
