News > Elections

Despite the recent increase in euro-scepticism in Italy, European defence cooperation enjoys the substantial support of the political...


2017 has been a challenging year for the EU, facing a surge in authoritarian populism within its member States, dealing with crucial ...


In the aftermath of UK General Elections and on the eve of Brexit negotiations - set to start this month - IAI organized a meeting...


Seminar with Richard Wike, Director, Global Attitudes Research, Pew Research Center, on the growing appeal of anti-establishment politics in America and Europe


Two IAI papers delve into the foreign policy implications of the US elections, now just weeks away. Jeremy Shapiro examines the...


Meeting with Jeremy Shapiro, Research Director, European Council on Foreign Relations and Kurt Volker, Senior Advisor, Atlantic Council and Executive Director,...


Seminar on "Elezioni americane di mid-term: risultati e analisi", in cooperation with Aspenia and Centro Studi Americani


Two IAI papers assess the opportunities and challenges for EU-China relations in the context of Beijing’s ‘...


Conference series of "The future of the European economy" on: "Dopo le elezioni tedesche: quali prospettive per l’euro e la crescita economica?", with Daniel Gros, Director,...


IAI publications in the Global Turkey in Europe series focus on the country's recent elections, Turkey-Kurdish relations,...
