"Seminar on :"Per un'Europa libera e unita. Per un'Italia europea”
“A European Seat in the UN Security Council?”, conference jointly organized with Global Policy Forum
Seminar on “The EU and the Libyan crisis: in quest of coherence?”
Seminar on “Promoting regional integration: lessons learned from EU-Latin America relations”
Workshop on “The socio-cultural and political premises of European and Indian initiatives in areas of conflict transition/resolution”, in the framework of the project CORE
Seminar on "Is the EU a multilateral actor in its neighbourhood?", in cooperation with European Policy Centre (EPC) and Paralleli
Seminar on: "State of European democracy", in cooperation with Epin and Ceps
Conference on “L'Europa e il Mediterraneo dopo la crisi libica: ancora mare nostrum?”, in cooperation with Università cattolica del Sacro Cuore
Meeting on: "Europe and China: new priorities for business", with David Gosset
The election campaign ahead of the political vote on the 24th and 25th of February was marked by the absence of a serious discourse about Europe. Despite this, any government that will emerge from...