News > Natural gas


Global gas consumption returned to structural growth and reached an all-time high in 2024. Natural gas demand is expected to expand further in 2025, primarily supported by fast-growing Asian...


Natural gas markets moved to more pronounced growth in the first half of 2024, with initial estimates indicating that global gas demand increased at a rate well above its historical average during...


Following the gas supply shock of 2022, natural gas markets moved towards a gradual rebalancing in 2023 due to timely policy action, effectively working market forces and favourable weather...


While the immediate effects of last year's supply shock have eased in recent months, the structural changes that emerged in 2022 will persist for years – and should be taken into account both by...


The Istituto Affari Internazionali (IAI) and the Clingendael international Energy Programme (CIEP), in cooperation with the International Energy Agency (IEA), are organizing a webinar to discuss...


Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has triggered a major energy supply and security crisis that has sent commodity prices to new highs, with wider implications for the global economy.



Published annually on the break of a new heating season, IEA’s Global Gas Security Review, provides the energy community with the latest analysis of developments in international gas markets....


After a record drop in global demand in 2020, natural gas markets experienced strong supply-demand tensions in the first months of 2021. Colder than expected temperatures and tighter...


After a record drop in global demand in 2020, natural gas markets experienced strong supply-demand tensions in the first months of 2021. Colder than expected temperatures and...


Natural gas markets started off the year with a strong rebound, supported by a combination of recovering economic activity in most markets along with a series of...
