News > Youth

Recent papers in the IAI-led Power2Youth project tackle various dimensions of youth targeted policies in the Arab world...


A number of recent papers published in the framework of the IAI-led project, Power2Youth, take a country specific and ...


Within the framework of the "Dialogue on Europe" project the third European Town Hall Meeting took place yesterday with representatives from Italian civil society and the German Minister of State...


Public conference within the framework of the European project Power2Youth


As a leading member of the EuroMeSCo network, IAI has produced two detailed studies analysing EU...


Recent papers from a variety of IAI projects focus on the interconnection of threats and challenges from Europe’s neighbourhood...


Presentation of the final results of the Working Group on "Youth Activism in the South and East Mediterranean Countries since the Arab uprisings: Challenges and policy options", led by IAI in the...


IAI publications from the EU-funded Power2Youth project analyse youth-targeted government policies in Morocco...


The main objective of this Dialogue Workshop was to present and discuss the initial research findings of the joint policy study “Understanding Youth-Related Activism in the South and East...


Work Package 2 conference in the framework of the Power2Youth project.
