News > Lebanon

In one of his final speeches as UNIFIL Head of Mission and Force Commander, Stefano Del Col declared that his “parting challenge” to the concerned parties was that “We must all play our part to...


Joint sitting of Chamber of Deputies Committees III (Foreign affairs) and IV (Defence) - 18 January 2011

Informal hearing of experts from Centro Studi Internazionali (CeSI), Centro...


As Lebanon teeters on the brink of collapse, prospective gas discoveries are being billed as a panacea. A critical light on these developments, underscoring the fallacy of such...


IAI and the Foundation for European Progressive Studies held a conference in Lebanon on 3 November to present the results of a...


Seminar on "Mediterraneo e Medio Oriente in bilico: le sfide alla sostenibilità dello Stato in Libano e Tunisia"
