News > Military missions

Senate Committee Foreign Affairs and Defence - 9 April 2024

Hearing of Alessandro Marrone, Head of IAI Defence Programme, on Italy's participation in international missions.


Joint sitting of Chamber of Deputies Committees III (Foreign affairs) and IV (Defence) – 15 September 2009

Fact-finding investigation on Italy's participation in international...


Joint sitting of Chamber of Deputies Committees III (Foreign affairs) and IV (Defence) - 18 January 2011

Informal hearing of experts from Centro Studi Internazionali (CeSI), Centro...


Joint sitting of Chamber of Deputies Committees III (Foreign Affairs) and IV (Defence) - 6 July 2021

Hearing of Gianandrea Gaiani, Director of Analisi-Difesa, and Alessandro...


From Macron's foreign policy and the European crisis, to the "new-old" conflicts in the Middle East, these and many others are the subjects...


Conference in cooperation with the School of International Studies - University of Trento


Conference in cooperation with the Italian Ministry of Defence and with the support of Intesa San Paolo.

The conference will present the results of a research by the same title conducted...


“Fighter aircraft’ role in crisis management operations: Italy’s trends and needs” is the title of the new IAI’s research paper, presented at the conference held on May 13 in Rome, in Palazzo...


Produced in the context of the Defence Matters project, a IAI study analyses the relationship between Italy and NATO with a specific focus on...


Conference on "L’art. 11 della Costituzione baluardo della vocazione internazionale dell’Italia", organized within the framework of a IAI research.

