News > Russia

The current status, prospects, successes and gaps in the multilateral international sanctions regime against the Russian federation.
Presentation of the report by the International...


Chamber of Deputies Committee III (Foreign Affairs) - 5 December 2018

Fact-finding investigation on Italy's foreign energy policy between regional crises and transcontinental...


The Russia-West Conflict: What Happened? Why? Where's it all going? And Can it be Resolved? Bearing these questions in mind, the book edited by Irvin Studin, Editor-in-Chief & Publisher...


Since March 2014, the European Union has progressively imposed restrictive measures against Russia. The sanctions were adopted in response to the illegal annexation of Crimea and war in...


The September issue of The International Spectator, IAI’s international affairs journal published by Routledge, is now online...


The tenth edition of the Transatlantic Security Symposium took place Rome on 14-15 June 2018 at Italy's Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The seminar - Transatlantic Security in an Age of Uncertainty...


Which role has the OSCE been playing in European security? Does the OSCE still serve as a forum for dialog? How has Russia's relationship and role with/within the OSCE developed throughout the...


The future of EU-Russia relations - which are also linked to the future of Nord Stream 2 - and the implementation of the European Commission's Clean Energy for...


Seminar with Nona Mikhelidze, Head of the IAI Eastern Europe and Eurasia Programme, Paolo Calzini, Senior Associate Fellow, Johns Hopkins University Bologna Center, and Riccardo Alcaro, Head...


Elections in Russia delivered a fourth term to president Putin, who will retain power in Moscow until ...
