African Civil Society for a Peaceful Nile
The decade-long dispute over the Nile, which began in 2011 as Ethiopia unilaterally started building the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam, has been characterised by firm state-centric approaches among riparian states. The inability of Egypt, Sudan and Ethiopia to transcend unilateralism for a spirit of compromise has undermined the chances for cooperation and, with it, efforts to place human security and the human right of access to water have also been overshadowed.
In this episode we are joined by Raymond Ruyoka, Executive Director of the Youth Advocacy and Development Network Uganda and one of the signatories of the Nile for Peace Initiative – Civil society Declaration. We will be addressing the GERD controversy from the civil society perspective, tackling the claims and recommendations that can be found in the text of the Nile for Peace Initiative Declaration and understanding what role African organisations can play in the equitable and reasonable resolution of the Nile conflict.