Dissertation Award IAI-Department of Culture, Politics and Society University of Turin: the winners

The winners of the first edition (2022-2023) of the Dissertation Award "Italy and International Relations: History, Policies, Perspectives" organised by IAI together with the Department of Culture, Politics and Society of the University of Turin have been selected. The Award has been established within the framework of the IAI-Fondazione Compagnia di Sanpaolo strategic partnership and was aimed at recent graduates of the University of Turin who had discussed a Bachelor’s or Master’s dissertation between April 2022 and September 2023.
Sixteen dissertations were submitted (five for the Master's dissertation category, eleven for the Bachelor’s dissertation), of outstanding analytical quality. The Jury, made up of representatives of the organisations promoting the prize, selected the following dissertations as the winners:
- For the Bachelor’s category, the dissertation “Dalla Belt and Road Initiative di Xi Jinping al post-Pandemia del Governo Draghi” by Ms. Francesca Stampa (Bachelor degree in International Science, Development and Cooperation, supervisor Prof. Valter Maria Coralluzzo), for her work in reconstructing the trajectory of Italian foreign policy towards China and analysing the implications of the memorandum between Italy and the People's Republic of China on the New Silk Road;
- For the Master's category, the dissertation “La diplomazia italiana verso l'Indo-Pacifico” by Luca Bonvicino (Master's degree in International Studies, supervisor Prof. Giuseppe Gabusi), for the conceptual and analytical framing of Italian diplomacy towards the Indo-Pacific within the broader context of European policies towards the region, on the basis of a rigorous methodological effort.
The two winning dissertations will be awarded a cash prize of 1,500 euros each and a dedicated award plaque, which will be assigned during an award ceremony scheduled for 11 December 2023 at the University of Turin. An excerpt of each of the two dissertations will be published in IAI's online magazine AffarInternazionali.