IAI Prize 2020, the third edition

On Thursday, October 1st, the third edition of Premio IAI – a competition aimed at young people under 26, high school and university students as well as recent graduates – will be broadcast as a special feature on the website of the press agency Ansa, in the sections "Mondo" and "Europa-UE". The works of the participants focus on the fight against climate change, which is at the heart of European objectives, as European Commission's President Ursula Von der Leyen highlighted in her first speech on the State of the Union.
The proposal to decrease the level of emissions by 2030 to at least 55%, compared to 1990 levels, will be an intermediate step towards achieving climate neutrality in 2050. These ambitions – placed in a global economic context strongly weakened by the COVID-19 pandemic – will be commented by several guests, including Vincenzo Amendola, Minister of European Affairs, Antonio Parenti, Head of the European Commission’s Representation in Italy, Annalisa Corrado, spokesperson for Green Italia, Enrica Onorati, Councilor for Agriculture of Lazio region, and many others. During the award ceremony, video messages by institutional representatives will be shown, including by Josep Borrell, High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policies, by Luigi di Maio, Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, by Sergio Costa, Minister of the Environment and the Protection of the Territory and Sea, and by Virginia Raggi, Mayor of Rome. There will also be videos by celebrities from the world of entertainment and sport, from musician Paolo Fresu to volleyball player Osman Juantorena.
It is also the second year that IAI remembers Antonio Megalizzi, the Italian journalist killed during the terrorist attack in Strasbourg on December 11th, 2018, with a special communication award. The event, moderated by Lavinia Spingardi, Sky tg24 journalist, is part of the Sustainable Development Festival, the major Italian initiative to raise awareness and mobilise citizens, young generations, companies, associations and institutions on issues of economic, social and environmental sustainability. It will also be published on the websites of the Institute and the online magazine AffarInternazionali and on social media.