Italian Foreign Policy 2020
On 3 February, the Istituto Affari Internazionali (IAI) will present the new Report on Italian Foreign Policy 2020 during an online round table with the participation of politicians, scholars and national experts. The report, the result of a collaboration between IAI's research programmes and developed with the support of the Compagnia San Paolo of Turin, analyses key developments in Italian foreign policy during 2020, with particular focus on the three traditional pillars of Italian foreign policy - the European pillar, the transatlantic pillar and the Mediterranean pillar - and a reflection on Italy's bilateral relations with China and Russia. The report also addressed other aspects of Italy's international projection, such as Italy's migration policy, it's participation in international missions abroad and Italian energy policy in the context of the European Green Deal. Drafted between December 2020 and January 2021, the report analyses Italian foreign policy through the lenses of the governmental transition from the Conte I to the Conte II cabinet, the impact of the COVID-19 crisis and the current weakening of multilateralism at the international level, proposing some reflections on the main future challenges facing Italian foreign policy in 2021.