NATO Spring School: The prominence of the transatlantic alliance in the security of Europe

An interactive initiative for NATO’s 75th anniversary
April, 10-11-12 2024
IAI's Educational Programme contributes to education and training on political and institutional issues of international relevance, to form a civil society both capable of interpreting the challenges and opportunities coming from the world, and also able to develop critical approach and soft skills.
For this reason, on the occasion of the 75th Anniversary of the Atlantic Alliance’s founding treaty, IAI organizes the NATO Spring School, realized with the support of the US Embassy in Rome. The initiative aims to expose participants to existing debates and initiatives within NATO, endowing them with a deeper understanding of the challenges the Alliance faces as well as of the way it works.
Refer to the course’s syllabus at this link.
The course is free of charge (no fees are required to attend it) thanks to the support of the US Embassy of Rome. All other expenses (food, lodging, transportation) incidental to attendance at the April 2024 simulation are to be borne by participants.
To access the NATO Spring School, see the Scholarship Regulations at this link.
The course has limited enrolment, with a maximum of 30 participants. Participation in the course will be based on a selection of interested students. The selection procedure will be at the sole discretion of the Spring School's Scientific Committee.
Closing of online applications: January 26, 2024, at 11.59 pm (Italian time)