Palestine and Israel: Resistance, Violence and Expectations

The world is witnessing the largest collective Palestinian mobilisation in over a decade amidst growing encroachment of the Israeli occupation and mounting tensions in Occupied East Jerusalem linked to the forcible eviction of Palestinian residents from Sheikh Jarrah. Although a cease fire between Israel and Hamas has finally been announced this does not mean an end to the 14-year blockade of Gaza.
As history is created before our eyes, both the US and the EU remain locked in old patterns, practices and paradigms that have repeatedly failed to make headway. In an effort to engage in new frameworks, and provide knowledge and understanding of what is happening, the IAI will hold the webinar "History in the making: resistance, violence and expectations in Palestine and Israel". The event will take place on May 27, 2021 from 10am and will involve leading Palestinian, Israeli and European scholars. They will discuss the motivations behind the current Palestinian mobilisation; the reasons for previous diplomatic failures; the implications that current events may have on the Israeli and Palestinian leaderships and societies, on the recent Arab-Israel normalization agreements and on international diplomacy towards Palestine and Israel more broadly.