Energia nel Mediterraneo e il ruolo del settore privato
Energy has always played a central role in the Mediterranean. However, the rapid demographic and economic growth in the area, together with the increasingly evident impact of climate change, reveal the need to unlock massive investments in the framework of a strengthened regional energy collaboration to face new challenges. The massive potential of renewable energy, combined with the large gas reserves, represent a fundamental opportunity to ensure cleaner energy mixes to many countries in the region, from North Africa to South-Eastern Europe. The role of many business players has proven to be essential in decarbonising electricity generation and building new infrastructures, confirming the essential role of the private sector in the energy transition.
Study prepared for the conference “Energie nel Mediterraneo: il contributo del settore privato allo sviluppo regionale”, Rome, 28 November 2019.
Rome, IAI, November 2019, 14 p. -
19|21 -
1. Trasformazioni in atto e sfide
1.1 Il potenziale delle rinnovabili e del gas
1.2 Quadro regionale
1.3 Sfide e scenari futuri
2. Strumenti in campo e ruolo dei privati
2.1 Quadro frammentato
2.2 Il ruolo del settore privato