Daniela Huber

Daniela Huber Daniela Huber is Assistant Professor in the Political Science Department of Roma Tre University. She is scientific advisor of the Mediterranean, Middle East and Africa Programme at IAI, which she had led from 2019 to 2022, and co-editor of The International Spectator.
Previously at IAI she has scientifically coordinated the European Commission funded Horizon 2020 Project MEDRESET (2016-2019), and been involved as co-workpackage leader in the Horizon Europe and 2020 projects SHAPEDEM-EU, BRIDGES, EU-LISTCO, as well as the Jean-Monnet Network EUMENIA.
Her research interests include IR theories and methodologies, international relations and contemporary politics in the Middle East, as well as EU and US foreign policy towards and their role in conflicts in the Middle East. On these issues, she has published two monographs (Palgrave and State University of New York Press), 15 peer-reviewed articles, 7 edited books, 6 book chapters and numerous research papers and commentaries. She has worked for the United Nations and the Friedrich Ebert Foundation in the Middle East and has pursued extensive field research in the region as she lived for 5 years in Jerusalem, and organized/participated in workshops and conferences in Iran, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, Tunisia and Turkey.