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Gli italiani e la politica estera 2020


What do Italians think of the external action of the Conte II government? Do they think he did better or worse than the previous executive, for example with regard to migration issues and the crisis in Libya? How do they view Italy’s relations to the EU? Would they accept European aid if subject to conditions? How many would vote, in the event of a referendum, for an exit from the Union or the eurozone? Do they fear the rise of China? How do they judge foreign leaders? Are they for Trump or Biden? How much have perceptions regarding migration and the environment changed? And what are the prevailing opinions in the electorates of the various parties on all these issues? The Istituto Affari Internazionali – in the framework of its strategic partnership with the Compagnia di San Paolo Foundation – and the Laboratory of Political and Social Analysis of the University of Siena have carried out an opinion survey aimed at analysing the views of Italians on the main foreign policy issues affecting our country. The opinion survey was conducted on a representative sample of the population residing in Italy. The report, presented during the web meeting “La politica estera vista dagli italiani. Rapporti con l’Ue, azione del governo, sfide globali” on 16 June 2020, also provides useful comparisons with the results of previous surveys, thus highlighting some trends in the opinions of the population with respect to foreign policy.

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