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La regolamentazione italiana degli accordi G2G nel settore della difesa


Government-to-Government agreements (G2G) represent a widely used instrument for the sale of arms within the defence market, complementary to those occurring on the market. Such instruments bring advantages to both the purchaser and the seller and contribute towards building and strengthening a network of alliances and partnerships with foreign states. Thanks to the G2G, the acquiring state receives government guarantees on the performance of the contract which might be more advantageous than sales contract concluded directly with the selling company. At the same time, the seller state manages to better support the export of its national defence industries. With the exception of Germany, the leading arms exporters in the world have equipped themselves with G2G systems which reflect the peculiarities and meet the national sectoral demands. In Italy, the recent amendment of article 537-ter of the Code of the military system introduces the possibility for the state to carry out contractual activities, but leaves some regulatory and operational problems unresolved that preclude the country from having a functioning and complete G2G system. Overcoming these critical issues – through a new regulation and possibly a reformulation of the law – would allow Italy to fully exploit the potential of the sector and to place itself on the international scene as a leading player.

Presented at the web meeting "Gli accordi G2G per la difesa: sfide e opportunità per l’Italia", 5 October 2020.

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