Gli accordi G2G per la difesa: sfide e opportunità per l’Italia
Government-to-Government (G2G) agreements in defence are a valid instrument to promote national sectoral champions and allow the State, as vendor, to gain mid-long term economic and politico-strategic advantages, thanks to the establishment and development of strategic cooperation and partnerships. Italy has recently modified its legislation on G2G, but many are still the aspects to be defined and refine.
During the web meeting, the IAI study “La regolamentazione italiana degli accordi G2G nel settore della difesa” will be presented. To the presentation, the interventions of Secretary General of Defence/DNA Gen. C.A. Nicolò Falsaperna and of the President of AIAD on. Guido Crosetto will follow, with particular focus on the Italian reality.
In the second part of the event, participants will have the possibility to pose questions.
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La regolamentazione italiana degli accordi G2G nel settore della difesa
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