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Focus euroatlantico, n. 16 (novembre 2020-gennaio 2021)


The first issue of the 2021 Euro-Atlantic Focus begins, as usual, with an analysis of the state of play in the transatlantic relationship (supplemented by a number of graphs in the appendix). The Europeans hope that the change of administration in Washington will stabilise the transatlantic relationship after the turbulent years of the Trump presidency. The new occupant of the White House, Joe Biden, is a staunch Atlanticist who has made the relaunch of the US’ alliances a central tenet of his foreign policy. In the first essay, Ester Sabatino illustrates the Biden Administration’s potential contribution to the relaunch of NATO’s strategic agenda. The second essay of this Focus considers the possible direction of the US-Russian relationship under the Biden Administration. Giovanna De Maio contends that the new US president will bring greater clarity into the US Russia policy. The third essay, prepared by Karolina Muti, is dedicated to the Biden Administration’s space policy.

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