The Education in the Arab World

Despite substantial spending on education and robust support for reform both internally and by external donors, the quality of education in many Arab countries remains low. The authors of "The Political Economy of Education in the Arab World", Robert Springborg (Nonresident Research Fellow, Istituto Affari Internazionali; Adjunct Professor, School of International Studies, Simon Fraser University) and Hicham Alaoui (Research Associate, Weatherhead Center for International Affairs, Harvard University), find answers in the authoritarian political economies that shape the architecture of national governance across the region.
The IAI will host the webinar on May 13, 2021. In addition to the authors, the panel will be composed of Christopher Davidson (British Academic and Associate Fellow, Royal United Services Institute), Alisa Jones (Project Adviser, Karl Schlecht Foundation) and Calvert Jones (Assistant Professor, Department of Government and Politics, University of Maryland - College Park). Welcome remarks and chair: Silvia Colombo (Senior Fellow, Mediterranean and Middle East Programme, Istituto Affari Internazionali).