CIDOB: "BRIDGES Gender Guidelines"
How is gender involved in the migration process? What are the effects of migration on gender relations? And how those relations impact the representation of migration in turn? How do media and politics shape migration narratives from a gender perspective?
In the online publication “BRIDGES Gender Guidelines” Berta Güell (Researcher & BRIDGES Assistant Coordinator, Barcelona Centre for International Affairs - CIDOB) and Sònia Parella (Director of CER-Migracions & Member of BRIDGES Gender Observatory, Autonomous University of Barcelona - UAB) provide a conceptual and methodological framework for the inclusion of a gender and intersectional perspective in migration studies, and in the analysis of migration narratives, more specifically.
Luca Barana ("EU, politics and institutions" and "Global actors" Programmes), Daniela Huber (Head of the "Mediterranean and Middle East" Programme) and Asli Selin Okyay (Senior Fellow) are involved as IAI's researchers in the BRIDGES Consortium, a Horizon 2020 project that aims to study narratives production on migration in the frame of an increasing polarization of the issue in the whole Europe.