ReConnect China: generating independent knowledge for a resilient future with China for Europe and its citizens
ReConnect China is an EU-funded project under the Horizon Europe Programme, coordinated by Ghent University and carried out by a consortium of European think tanks, including IAI. The project starts from the observation that the EU and China are linked by a dynamic relationship. The question in which domains EU collaboration with China is desirable, possible, or impossible is the central focus of ReConnect China. To answer this question, this project identifies Science & Technology, Economy & Trade, Domestic Governance, and Foreign Policy as four key fields on which the EU should upgrade its independent knowledge.
The independent knowledge generated through its interdisciplinary approach will bring together stakeholders and experts in a Europe-China Knowledge Forum and raise awareness on China among the general public and youth. In this way, leading scientific European expertise and innovative digital technologies are mobilized to generate a deeper, sustainable understanding of contemporary China, and work towards a resilient future with China for the EU and its citizens.
Coordinated by the University of Ghent, the consortium consists of leading experts, each with different skills and complementary expertise representing 10 member states from different regions in Europe (North, South, East and West). Partners include leading European think-tanks (Innovasjon Norge, IFRI, ZSI, Elcano, Egmont, UI, Clingendael as well as IAI) – and universities and academic institutions (UTurku, UGent, RUG, CCCM, UNIVIE, UTartu and UPOL).
Funding: European Union - Horizon Europe
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