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T7 Handover Webinar: From Japan to Italy

16/11/2023, Webinar - h. 9:00 CET

On 16 November, the Asian Development Bank Institute (ADBI), the Italian Institute of International Affairs (IAI) and the Italian Institute of International Political Studies (ISPI) held a meeting for the handover of the Think 7 (T7) chairmanship from Japan to Italy. The event featured prestigious speakers from think tank/academic communities and government representatives from Japan, Italy and other countries, including non-G7 countries.

The event discussed the results of the Japanese chairmanship of T7 and its contribution to the advancement of the G7 agenda, including the outputs and political advice provided through policy briefs, papers and communiqués on such issues as science and technology, Agenda 2030, and environmental sustainability as well as the efforts to ensure a greater convergence between the T7 and T20 processes. Another central topic was the role of think tanks to provide informed opinion on global decision-making. The priorities of the the incoming Italian presidency of G7 were also discussed.

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