Reconciliation of Energy Security and Climate Objectives: The Case of Italy
Traditionally, Italy is heavily reliant on fossil fuel imports, and the deployment of renewables has been hindered by chronic challenges such as lengthy procedures and social opposition. However, due to the dominant role of imported gas in the Italian energy mix (especially in power generation), the country’s households and industry were put under incredible pressure by the spike in gas prices during the 2021/22 energy crisis. In 2022, Italy focused its efforts to avoid supply disruptions by engaging with hydrocarbon producers, especially in the Mediterranean. While electrification and energy efficiency can strengthen energy security, policy measures in the field of molecules, such as addressing methane emissions and the development of hydrogen, are necessary to reconcile energy security with climate objectives.
Rome, IAI, January 2024, 31 p. -
1. Drivers and challenges of the Italy’s energy transition
2. Italy and the energy crisis: Economic and energy consequences
2.1 Economic hurdles and responses
2.2 Reconfiguration of energy priorities: Energy security back in vogue
3. The renewed Mediterranean focus
4. Reconciliation of energy security and climate: Flexibility, methane emissions and hydrogen
5. Key takeaways and policy recommendations