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“Green Deal Watch”: le elezioni europee e le prospettive per la strategia verde

13/05/2024, Online event - h. 17:00 CEST

The debate will focus on the successes of the European Green Deal strategy initiated five years ago and the work to be carried out by the future European Commission. The Green Deal, which has shown great resilience through the recent crises - from the pandemic to the impacts of the Russian invasion of Ukraine - now needs to be widely implemented.

The event will be an opportunity to present the thirteenth issue of the “Green Deal Watch” - a publication edited by the IAI that monitors the strategy's developments every three months - and to discuss opportunities and obstacles for the coming years on the path to climate neutrality.


Introductory remarks and chair
Flavia Fratello, La7 News Reporter

Stefano Grassi, Head of Cabinet to Kadri Simson, Commissioner for Energy European Commission
Nathalie Tocci, Director, Istituto Affari Internazionali-IAI
Luca Franza, Head of EU Institutional Affairs, Edison

European election candidates have been invited to participate.

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