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The US-Italy Economic Relation over the Last Decades


Looking at the overall picture of economic relations between the United States and Italy, contradictory elements emerge. US-Italy international trade and foreign direct investments have grown over the last decades. However, the Italian economic growth has continuously slowed down distancing itself from the growth rate of the United States and the world’s major economies. Nonetheless, Italy remains a key partner of the United States for its geopolitical and geoeconomic position. A revival of their international relations still represents both an opportunity and a strategic tool for addressing current geoeconomic challenges and fostering growth for both countries.

Revised version of a paper presented at a workshop held in Rome on 26 February 2024 in the framework of the project “La cooperazione economica e tecnologica Ue-Usa di fronte alle nuove sfide geostrategiche e il ruolo dell'Italia”.

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