The European Green deal on the eve of a new institutional cycle
The binding goal of the European Climate Act, born in 2021 within the European Green deal, is to make Europe the world’s first climate-neutral continent. And for Italy, this path represents the only viable option: in our country, the probability of extreme weather events has increased by 9% in the last two decades, and the Mediterranean is one of the main hotspots of climate change. Decoupling emissions from economic growth in Europe, especially in the short and medium term, is certainly a complex challenge. It is possible, however, provided that the change is implemented collectively and in an orderly manner. The current increasing politicization of the climate issue does not bode well in this regard: more antagonism to the climate agenda would risk in the short term reducing opportunities for influence on the next steps of the transition, not allowing potentially favorable junctures for European priorities to be fully exploited. [...]
in Consigli per l'Europa. Sfide e opportunità per la prossima legislatura, suppl. a Formiche n. 203 (giugno 2024), p. 104-111