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Italo-Yugoslav relations. Proceedings and discussions


This first study conference on Italo-Yugoslav relations (Rome, 29-31 May 1970) has been jointly organized by the Istituto Affari Internazionali of Rome and the Institute of International Politics and Economics of Beograd, to allow a frank, non official, but authoritative confrontation on the ways of thinking and making international policy in the two countries, with special attention to their reciprocal relations. The meeting, to which partecipated a number of delegates from the two countries chosen among political personalities, scholars, experts, economic managers and journalists, has proved hinghly fruitful. The debate on the specified topics presented in the papers, has confirmed the common interest of the partecipants to continue in an even more deep and thoroungh analysis and discussion of the Italian and Yugoslav positions and possibilities of cooperation. The proceedings of the meetings are here presented according to the major topics of the discussion; the first part groups papers and the condensate of discussion concerned with political problems; while the economic aspects are the subject of part two.