Bachelor’s and Master’s dissertation award IAI-Department of Culture, Politics and Society University of Turin – second edition

The winners of the second edition (2023-2024) of the Dissertation Award "Italy and International Relations: History, Policies, Perspectives"organised by IAI together with the Department of Culture, Politics and Society of the University of Turin have been selected. The Award has been established with the support of the Fondazione Compagnia di Sanpaolo and was aimed at recent graduates of the University of Turin who had discussed a Bachelor’s or Master’s dissertation between April 2023 and September 2024.
The Jury, made up of representatives of the organizations promoting the prize, selected the following dissertation as the winner:
- For the Bachelor’s category, the dissertation L’Italia e il Mediterraneo Allargato. L’evoluzione della politica estera: dalle missioni in Libano ai nuovi scenari di crisi by Ms. Chiara Sturniolo (Bachelor’s degree in International Science, Development and Cooperation, supervisor Prof. Valter Maria Coralluzzo), for the detailed reconstruction of Italian missions in the enlarged Mediterranean during the 1980s and for the discussion of Italian foreign policy in the region in a medium-long term perspective.
- For the Master's category, the Commission decided not to award the prize for the 2023-2024 edition.
The winning dissertation will be awarded a cash prize of 1,500 euros and a dedicated award plaque. An excerpt of the dissertation will be published in IAI's online magazine AffarInternazionali.