Energia e risorse: strategie globali per la gestione delle crisi
03/03/2025 - 07/03/2025, Online course
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Energia e risorse: strategie globali per la gestione delle crisi
Online course
2025-03-03 00:00:00
2025-03-07 00:00:00
General course overview
The course explores the global dynamics of energy and resource crisis management, with a focus on the strategies adopted by state and non-state actors. Through an interdisciplinary approach, participants will analyze real case studies, the main geopolitical challenges and the mechanisms of international cooperation aimed at ensuring sustainability and energy security. The course is aimed at professionals, researchers and students interested in deepening the relationship between energy, natural resources and international politics.
Italian (with the possibility of modules in English)
For more information, please refer to the Italian version.
Info and contats: edu(at)iai.it