The EUDR and the future of coffee certifications
The project is dedicated to analysing the evolution of coffee certifications with regard to the major political and environmental transformations currently taking place, with a particular focus on the impact of the new EU Deforestation-free Regulation, the EUDR. Indeed, the research will seek to understand how the new European tracking requirements will interact with schemes such as Fairtrade or Rainforest Alliance, in the face of numerous overlaps between one and the other. However, the project will also investigate issues such as the impact of coffee price developments, the real ‘sustainability premium’ received by producers, consumers’ perceptions of sustainable consumption, as well as the uncertainty caused by the postponement of the implementation of the EUDR by one year (and the numerous European and international protests against the regulation). It will concentrate on Europe on the consumption side, but will have a global outlook and a specific focus on the main coffee producing regions: South and Central America, Southeast Asia, Sub-Saharan Africa.
Funding: Lavazza SpA