The EU, the UN and Collective Security. Making Multilateralism Effective

This book examines the effectiveness of multilateralism in ensuring collective security and, in particular, the EU's role in this process. In 1992, shortly after the end of the Cold War, a Security Council Summit in New York reaffirmed the salience of the system of collective security and stated the determination of the Heads of State to maintain it as the prime international instrument for preserving peace. Twenty years later, however, the record of collective security as well as of multilateralism has not been very encouraging. The system of collective security, as enshrined in the United Nations (UN) Charter, failed repeatedly to accomplish its mandate in the 1990s and has led to controversial debates in the United States and Europe that reached a climax during the Iraq crisis in 2002/03. The volume draws upon both theoretical and empirical research to answer the following core questions: 1) What are the reasons that have made multilateralism either effective or ineffective in the field of peacekeeping, peace preservation and peacebuilding? 2) How can multilateralism be made more effective? 3) How can attempts made by Europe to render UN multilateralism in the security area more efficient be assessed? This book will be of much interest to students of peacebuilding/peacekeeping, EU policy, the UN, security studies and IR in general.
Output of the research project The European Union and the Reform of the United Nations (The EU as a global actor in the UN reform process), conducted by the Istituto Affari Internazionali (IAI) and the Institute of Social Sciences, Department of Politics, at the Christian Albrechts-University of Kiel (CAU), with the support of the Volkswagen Stiftung. Presented in a meeting organised by the IAI and the Representation Office of the European Commission in Italy, Rome, 13 May 2013.
List of illustrations, p. xiv
Notes on contributors, p. xv-xvi
List of abbreviations, p. xvii-xx
Effectiveness of Multilateralism in the Field of Collective Security, Joachim Krause and Natalino Ronzitti, p. 1-5
Part I. Theoretical Approaches to and Historical Developments of Global Governance in the Field of Collective Security
1. Global Governance in the Field of Collective Security: How to Make Multilateralism more Effective, Joachim Krause, p. 9-36
2. Effectiveness and Ineffectiveness of the UN Security Council in the 20 Years since the Fall of the Berlin Wall: a European Perspective, David Hannay, p. 37-52
3. Effectiveness and Ineffectiveness of the UN Security Council in the Last 20 Years: a US Perspective, John van Oudenaren, p. 53-69
Part II. The UN Security Council
4. The reform of the UN Security Council, Natalino Ronzitti, p.73-93
5. The EU's Contribution to the Effectiveness of the UN Security Council between Presence and Impact, Nicoletta Pirozzi, p. 94-114
Part III. UN Peacekeeping
6. UN Peacekeeping Missions during the Past Two Decades: How Effective Have They Been?, Denis M. Tull, p. 117-149
7. Options for Improving UN-EU Cooperation in the Field of Peacekeeping, Alexandra Novosseloff, p. 150-174
Part IV. International Peacebuilding and State-building
8. International Peacebuilding and State-building Efforts: How Effective Have They Been?, Keith Crane, p. 177-196
9. Building Peace in Post-Conflict Environments: Why and How the UN and the EU Interact, Thierry Tardy, p. 197-220
10. Constructing a Framework of Effective Multilateralism: Conclusions for the Field of Collective Security, Inna Melnykovska and Nicoletta Pirozzi, p. 221-230
1. The UN Security Council Reform Process: Recent Developments, Elisabetta Martini, p. 231-240
2. Joint Declaration on UN-EU Cooperation in Crisis Management, p. 241-242
3. Joint Statement on UN-EU Cooperation in Crisis Management, p. 243-244
4. Major Stages of the Institutionalization of the UN-EU Cooperation, p. 245-248
5. Contributions of EU Member States to UN Peacekeeping Operations, p. 249-250
6. EU Autonomous Operation in Support of a UN Peace Operations, p. 251
7. Operations Involving UN-EU Cooperation since 2003, p. 253-258
Index, p. 259-269
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