Italian Foreign Policy in 2010: Continuity, Reform and Challenges 150 Years After National Unity
Some historical constants affect the current trends of Italy s foreign policy: a condition of vulnerability and insecurity, an uncertain international standing, the anchor to bilateral alliances or systems of alliance with stronger actors, a deficit of capabilities and, finally, a scarcity of public interest. Against this background, Italy s foreign policy in 2010 suffered three other political processes which are putting the country s international role into question: the further weakening of the multilateral context, the effects of the economic crisis and the internal political and institutional crisis. This paper examines, in particular, two aspects of Italy s foreign policy in 2010: the growth of bilateral activity and the reform of some forms and means of the international projection.
Translated and revised version of the introductory report of the yearbook La politica estera dell’Italia. Edizione 2011. Publ. also in ISPI Working Papers, No. 39 (July 2011).
Roma, Istituto Affari Internazionali, May 2011, 17 p. -
1. Historic Constants
2. New Determinants of Weakness
3. Bilateralism and Multilateralism: Toward a New Balance
4. Forms and Means of International Projection
5. Three Guidelines for the March Forward
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La politica estera dell'Italia 2011
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Italian foreign policy yearbook
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