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D-10 Strategy Forum

2014 - 2022

The D-10 Strategy Forum is a network of representatives from Australia, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, South Korea, the United Kingdom, and the United States, plus the European Union, - the so-called “Democracies 10”.

The D-10 Strategy Forum aims at advancing strategic coordination among its partners. It provides a venue for collective assessments of the most important issues challenging the international order and an opportunity to develop joint approaches and strategies to address them.

The first meeting was held on 13-14 July at Ottawa.

The second meeting convened in Rome on 15-16 June 2015 on the heels of the G7 summit in Germany (7-8 June 2015), organized by the International Affairs Institute (IAI) from Italy, the Atlantic Council from the United States and the Center for International Governance Innovation (CIGI) from Canada, in cooperation with the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

IAI also attended the meetings in Brussels, on 25-26 January 2016, in Tokyo, on 12-13 September 2016, in London on 18-19 May 2017, and in Seoul on 11-12 September 2018.


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