The future of EU-Turkey relations: Mapping dynamics and testing scenarios - FEUTURE

FEUTURE – a consortium of 14 experienced universities and think tanks from the EU, Turkey and the neighbourhood and with the scientific coordination by the IAI and administrative coordination by the University of Cologne – aims to 1) map dynamics of EU-Turkey relations in terms of underlying narratives and thematic drivers, 2) substantiate a most likely future scenario(s) and assess its implications, 3) draw policy recommendations for EU and Turkey.
FEUTURE provides excellence by pursuing an ambitious, inspiring and innovative programme in a three-phased structure of elaboration, exploration and extrapolation. It applies an inter-temporal, inter-disciplinary and international approach by analysing drivers within six thematic dimensions (politics, security, economics, energy, migration, identity) and across four levels of analysis (EU, Turkey, neighbourhood, global). The elaboration and exploration phases of the project culminate in an extrapolation phase in which FEUTURE integrates new knowledge by substantiating and testing the implications of three ideal-type future scenarios for EU-Turkey relations: conflict, cooperation and convergence. We engage in a trans-disciplinary exchange within an elite survey and with the knowledge-user community from the four levels of analysis exploiting the full range of virtual and social media as well as traditional means. FEUTURE’s work plan guarantees the coherence of its research approach by streamlining work in one conceptual, one synthesis, two organisational and six thematic work packages across the three phases of the project. Joint WP meetings and three FEUTURE conferences assure intensive horizontal exchange. FEUTURE will achieve academic, policy relevant and structural impact beyond the project’s lifecycle.
The kick-off conference was held on 26-27 May 2016, hosted by Istanbul Bilgi University.
Funding: European Union - Horizon 2020
Publications: FEUTURE Papers
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