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Private Military and Security Companies: il caso italiano nel contesto internazionale


Today the outsourcing of security services to Private Military and Security Companies (PMSCs) is a common practice for the main actors of the international system. PMSCs are profit-oriented companies that are able to market their skills in providing services security in a competitive manner with respect to those provided by state structures. In the last two decades, private security industry has given rise to a booming market that, in contrast with other sectors of the economy, has not observed any period of recession. This phenomenon has received little attention from Italian institutions and media. However, the PMSCs' economic success leads to a verification of the Italian approach, particularly in light of the recent adoption of relevant legislation to constrast maritime piracy which allow the employ of contractors - in the guise of security guards - on board of merchant ships. The volume outlines a scenario of PMSCs' operations on a global scale, and therefore of their major clients. It describes the main characteristics and the range of services offered, in order to understand the reasons for their use, as well as the problems and the potential that such a commitment entails compared to conventional armed forces and security.