Cono Giardullo

Cono Giardullo was associate fellow at IAI. His research interests include Ukraine, the rule of law reforms and the use of new technologies in the field of human rights and humanitarian law. Since 2015, he has been working for the Human Dimension Unit of the OSCE Special Monitoring Mission to Ukraine. Previously, he worked at the EU Delegations to Kyrgyzstan and Tunisia. Cono graduated in Law at the University of Ferrara and obtained a MA in EU International Relations and Diplomacy studies from the College of Europe (Bruges). He is now attending the Master’s Programme in International Human Rights Law at University of Oxford. He is an Italian journalist since 2005. In 2012 his thesis on Italy-Libya agreements was awarded the national prize “A thesis to stop the torture” by ACAT Italy and since then he has become part of the NGO’s executive committee. In 2018, Cono also obtained the International Diploma in Humanitarian Assistance at Fordham University, thanks to a scholarship granted by the Besso Foundation.