Exploring Refugee Movements in the Middle East Regional Context: Responses to the Syrian Crisis in Lebanon and Turkey
Refugee movements are not a new phenomenon in the Middle East and North Africa. The history of the region has been shaped by waves of displacement and refugee crises, and the most recent, the dramatic case of Syria, is still in process. This paper investigates refugee movements in the region and their impact on regional dynamics by focusing on two important case studies: Lebanon and Turkey. It explores each country’s response to the Syrian refugee crisis in detail, while addressing the role of relevant stakeholders, such as international organizations, civil society and government, in humanitarian relief efforts as well as in refugee protection and management.
Rome, IAI, December 2018, 22 p. -
Working Papers 28
1. Critique of the Syrian Refugee Crisis Response: The Case of Lebanon
1.1 A Weak and Inconsistent Response
1.2 Problematizing Repatriation
2. Turkey’s Response to and Management of the Syrian Refugee Crisis
2.1 Overview of the Refugee Protection Framework in Turkey
2.2 Turkey’s Response to the Syrian Refugee Crisis: Discourse, Practices and Experiences
2.2.1 Political and Public Discourse
2.2.2 Current Experience of Refugee Protection and Integration
2.3 Does EU–Turkey Cooperation on Migration Matter?
2.4 Thoughts on the Future of Refugee Protection in Turkey
Annex 1: List of Interviewees