Chiara Scissa

Chiara Scissa is a researcher in the IAI's Energy, Climate and Resources Programme. She is also a Research Fellow at the University of Bologna, where she is studying the role of courts in shaping the right to asylum in Africa. She is also a research associate on migration and climate change at the Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna in Pisa. Chiara holds a Doctorate in Law cum laude from the same institution with a research project on disaster displacement in international and EU asylum law. Chiara has worked as a consultant for EuroMed Rights, ICMPD and as a staff member of IOM, for which she has produced reports on migration, climate change and climate security.
Her publications include:
- Migration in the context of climate and environmental changes within Central Asia and to the EU and Russian Federation, with Susan F. Martin. IOM Geneva, 2024.
- The Weaponization of Natural Resources and Disasters During Conflict: The Refugee Convention’s Relevance for Syria and Yemen, in K. Norman, A. Martín Gil, J.L. Diab Climate-Induced Displacement in the Middle East and North Africa. Baker Institute and Lebanese American University, 2024.
- Human mobility in the context of disasters, climate change and environmental degradation in the Euro-mediterranean region: Challenges and Insights. EuroMed Rights, 2024.
- Gender, Migration and Environment in the MENA: Vulnerabilities, Frameworks and Ways Forward, in Journal of Migration Affairs, Vol 2., 2023, with Jasmin L. Diab.
- Vulnerability to Climate Change: A Common Driver of (Im)Mobility and Radicalization in North Africa?, in M. Borraccetti e S. Villani (eds) “Between Integration and Radicalization in North Africa. A focus on Morocco and Tunisia”. Bologna University Press, 2023.
- The right to a healthy environment as an EU normative response to covid-19. A theoretical framework, in P. Czech, L. Heschl, K. Lukas, M. Nowak, G. Oberleitner (eds) “European Yearbook of Human Rights”, Intersentia, 2021.
- What room for the 1998 Aarhus Convention in the European Green Deal? An analysis of the possible reluctance of the Court of Justice, in “Rivista Quadrimestrale di Diritto dell’Ambiente”, n. 1/2021.