Francesco De Leo

Francesco De Leo is a professional journalist in the field of international affairs. For many years, he covered foreign politics for the radio station Radio Radicale, providing numerous reports from around the world. He edited Interprete Internazionale, a monthly section of the daily newspaper Il Riformista and in 2009, wrote a book entitled L’onda verde d’Iran [=The Green Wave of Iran] for Italianieuropei. He currently edits and presents the evening programme Spazio Transnazionale; works on Focus Storia, a magazine published by Arnoldo Mondadori Editore and edits the “Affari Reali” section of La Stampa newspaper. He founded and edits Il Club, a magazine on bilateral relations between Italy and the UK. In 2016, he wrote Elisabetta II Regina(Queen Elizabeth II) published by Rubbettino Editore. He edits the “Biblioteca Reale” series for the publisher Guerini e Associati, which in 2019 published his book L’ultimo scià d’Iran [=The Last Shah of Iran]. His new book, Il Granduca Jean di Lussemburgo [=The Grand Duke of Luxembourg] is forthcoming. As of September 2019, he is Head of communications at the Istituto Affari Internazionali, and as of January 2020 he is Managing editor of, IAI's webzine.