Francesco Vigneri

Francesco Vigneri is an associate fellow in IAI's Mediterranean, Middle East and Africa programme, where he carried out research on the link between media narratives and EU migration policies, in the framework of the H2020 project "BRIDGES - Assessing the production and impact of migration narratives".
He is also an adjunct professor at LUMSA University and a research fellow at Sapienza University of Rome. Previously, he worked at European institutions (EEAS, European Commission), as well as at European Union (EUAA) and United Nations (IOM) agencies. He holds a binational Ph.D. in Sociology, obtained in co-tutorship between the LUMSA University in Rome and the Université de Strasbourg in France.
His publications include:
- (with Francesca Comunello and Francesca Ieracitano), “‘I’m not bad, I’m just … drawn that way’: media and algorithmic systems logics in the Italian Google Images construction of (cr)immigrants’ communities”, in Information, Communication & Society, 28 April 2023.
- (with Francesca Ieracitano), “L'algoritmo di Google Images nel processo di stigmatizzazione dello straniero: una comparazione culturale”, in Serenella Greco, Giuseppina Tumminelli (eds), Migrazioni in Sicilia 2020, Sesto San Giovanni, Mimesis, p. 148-168.
- “Lampedusa, frontière de l’Europe. La crise migratoire entre alarme et compassion”, in Revue des sciences sociales, n° 60/2018, p. 46-55.
- (with Francesca Ieracitano), “In ‘their’ words and in ‘our’ words: a comparison between European policies, media narratives and migrants’ testimonies of landings in the Mediterranean”, in Language, Discourse & Society, Vol. 6, No. 1 (June 2018), p. 62-82.