Giampiero Gramaglia

Giampiero Gramaglia is a journalist since 1972. In 1980 he joined the ANSA Brussels office, where he became Bureau Chief in 1984, covering the European Community and NATO for 10 years. In 1989, Gramaglia returned to Rome as ANSA Foreign Desk Editor, responsible for the Foreign Desk and the ANSA bureaus abroad. In 1995, he took responsibility for the ANSA New Media Services. In 1997, he became ANSA Deputy Editor in Chief. In 1999, he took charge of ANSA Paris office. Then in 2000, he became the ANSA North America Bureau Chief in the Washington, DC office. From 2006 to the last June, he was ANSA's Editor in Chief (Director). Gramaglia was born in Saluzzo (Cuneo) in 1950. He is married to Elysa, a journalist, and has two children, Chiara and Luca.
Website: GP NEWS